Comută navigația
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de Timbre
800 HRD The 150th Anniversary of the Birth of Croatian Historian Tadija Smiciklas 1993
2200 HRD The 50th Anniversary of the Uniting of Istria, Rijeka, Zadar and the Islands to Croatia
600 HRD Stamp Day 1993
500 HRD The 100th Anniversary of the Birth of the Composer Vlaho Paljetak
1800 HRD The First Anniversary of the Acceptance of the Republic of Croatia into Membership of the Universal 1993
400 HRD The 100TH Anniversary of the birth of the Author Miroslav Krleza
1300 HRD The Victory at Sisak 1593 1993
1000 HRD The 100th Anniversary of the Museum of Croatian Archaeological Monuments in Split 1993
300 HRD 1993 - 150 anniversary of birth of Adolf Ignjo Waldigner
700 HRD 1993 - In honour of the 1993 Mediterranean Games
1000 HRD 1993 - Željko Kipke
600 HRD 1993 - Ivo Deković
1100 HRD 1993 - Ljubo Ivančić
1000 HRD 1993 - Miljenko Stančić
700 HRD 1993 - Ivo Dulčić
250 HRD 1993 - Milivoj Bjelić
500 HRD 1993- The first anniversary of the membership of Croatia in the United Nations
800 HRD 1993 - 550 Year Anniversary of the Town Pag
600 HRD 1993 - Centenary of Split Theatre
600 HRD 1993 - 150 Years since the first speech in Croatian given in the Croatian Parlament on May 5, 1843 by Ivan Kukuljević
800 HRD 1993 - 59th PEN World Congress
200 HRD 1993 - The 50th of the death of the writer Ivan Goran Kovačić
400 HRD 1993 - The centennial of The Spa Town Lipik
350 HRD 1993 - The centenary since the birth of painter Zlatko Šulentić
550 HRD 1993 - Fishing Eagle
500 HDR 1993 - Deer
100 HRD 1993 - The centennal since the death of painter Ferdo Quiquerez
250 HRD 1993 - The 50th anniversary since the death of Nikola Tesla
5 Kuna 2003 - 16th Women's World Handball Championship
300 HRD 1993 - The 800th Anniversary of the City of Krapina
350 HRD 1992 - 400th Anniversary since the birth of Ivan Bunić Vučić
300 HRD 1992 - 150th Anniversay of The Kolo Magazine
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