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Bart Perdieus
de Timbre
5 x 10 Cents + 5 x 70 Cents - Booklet 5 x 10 Cent, 5 x 70 Cent 1993 - Numeral Types
3 x 60 Cents + 30 Cents + 2 x 75 Cents + 35 Cents + 1 x 80 Cents + 40 Cents Booklet Red Cross 1992
3 x 60 Cents + 30 Cents + 2 x 70 Cents + 35 Cents + 1 x 80 Cents + 40 cents Booklet 1992 - Floriade Den Haag/Zoetermeer
Booklet 2 x 60 Cent, 4 x 70 Cent 1993 - Numeral Types
Booklet 2 x 60 Cent, 4 x 70 Cent 1993 - Numeral Types
Booklet 5 x 80 Cent 1994 - Queen Beatrix
Booklet 5 x 80 Cent 1993 - Queen Beatrix
Booklet 5 x 80 Cent 1992 - Queen Beatrix
Booklet 5 x 80 Cent 1991 - Queen Beatrix
Booklet 4 x 75 Cent 1991 - Queen Beatrix
2 x 55 Cents + 35 Cents + 3 x 75 Cents + 35 Cents - Booklet Summer Stamps 1991 - Farms
1 x 55 Cents + 30 Cents + 1 x 65 Cents + 35 Cents + 2 x 75 Cents + 2 x35 Cents - Booklet 1990 - The Weather
1 x 55 + 30 Cents + 1 x 65 + 35 Cents + 1 x 75 + 35 Cents - CentsBooklet Summer 1989 - Ships
2 x 55 Cents + 2 x 35 Cents + 2 x 75 cents + 2 35 Cents - Booklet Summer Stamps 1988 - Horse and Carribean Seaz Cow and Sam the orangutan
10 x 50 Cents - Booklet December Stamps Christmas 1987
2 x 55 Cents + 30 Cents + 2 x 75 Cents and 2 x 35 Cents - Booklet Red Cross 1987
2 x 55 Cents + 2 x 30 Cents & 2 x 75 Cents + 2 x 35 Cents Booklet Summer Stamps -1987 - Steam pumping station and Brass foundry
Booklet 4 x 75 Cent 1986 - Queen Beatrix
Booklet 1 x 5 Cent, 2 x 10 Cent, 5 x 55 Cent 1987 - Numeral Types
Booklet 1 x 5 Cent, 2 x 10 Cent, 5 x 55 Cent 1986 - Numeral Types
2 x 50 Cents + 2 x 20 Cent + 2 x 70 Cent +2 x 30 Cents - Booklet Summer Stamps 1986 - Balance and Clock
2 x 50 cents + 2 x50 Cent +2 x 70 Cents + 2 x 30 Cents - Booklet Summer Stamps 1985 - Churches
2 x 50 cents + 2 Cent 2 x 70 Cents + 2 x 30 Cents - Booklet Summer Stamps 1984 - Birds
4 x 50 Cent + 25 cent 2 x 70 Cent + 30 Cents - Booklet Red Cross 1983
Booklet 4 x 5 Cent, 4 x 70 Cent 1985 - Queen Beatrix and Numeral Types
Booklet 4 x 5 Cent, 4 x 70 Cent 1982 - Queen Beatrix and Numeral Types
Booklet 5 x 5 Cent, 2 x 10 Cent, 2 x 45 Cent, 3 x 55 Cent 1981 - Queen Juliana and Numeral Types
Booklet 2 x 5 Cent, 2 x 45 Cent, 4 x 50 Cent 1980 - Numeral Types
Booklet 5 x 60 Cent 1980 - Queen Juliana
Booklet 4 x 5 Cent, 7 x 40 Cent 1976 - Numeral Types
Booklet 1 x 5 Cent, 2 x 10 Cent, 5 x 55 Cent 1978 - Queen Juliana and Numeral Types
Booklet 1 x 5 Cent, 2 x 10 Cent, 4 x 55 Cent 1976 - Queen Juliana and Numeral Types
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