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Galeria lui
stomff andrei aurel
de Timbre
Jocurile Olimpice din Moscova 1980
Jocurile Olimpice din Moscova 1980
Jocurile Olimpice din Moscova 1980
Jocurile Olimpice din Moscova 1980
Jocurile Olimpice din Moscova 1980
16 x 4 Kopek - La multi ani
1 + 0.5 JO Moscova 1980 1977
16+6 k 1979 - Handball - Olympic Games
1 Ruble + 50 Kopecks - Fighters of the Revolution Monument
1 Ruble + 50 Kopecks - Frunze Monument, Ivanovo, torch and spindle
1 Ruble + 50 Kopecks - Tourist complex and Pozharski Monument, Suzdal
1 Ruble + 50 Kopecks - Relief from Nativity Cathedral and coat of arms (falcon), Suzdal
1 Ruble + 50 Kopecks - Bridge over Klyazma River and Vladimir Hotel
1 Ruble + 50 Kopecks - Moscow 80 Emblem, Relief from St. Dimitri’s Cathedral, Arms of Vladimir
6 + 3 Kopecks - Free Style Wrestling
4 + 2 Kopecks - Greco-Roman Wrestling
16 + 6 Kopecks - Moscow 80 Olympic Games Emblem
10 + 5 Kopecks - Moscow 80 Olympic Games Emblem
4 + 2 Kopecks - Montreal Passing Torch to Moscow
60 + 30 Kopecks - Aerial View of Kremlin and Moscow ’80 emblem.
25 Francs 1990 - Wheelchair-Basketball
BE 2414 1990 World-Cup-Soccer-Championships-Italy-1990
10 Francs 1990 Sport Special-Olympics
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