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Lûbben im Spreewald
Lûbben im Spreewald - Vedere (1917)
Lûbben im Spreewald - Vedere (1917)
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Maciej Pasztor
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1917 Winsch George Washington First in War First in Peace Battle View Postcard
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German WWI Photo Imperial Russian Propaganda Officers 1917
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Postcard Railroad Station Riverhead L I New York Horse Wagon Posted 1917 D792
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German WWI Soldier with Heavy French Dud "I did not want this War 1917"
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WW1 Austro Hungarian M.1917 Stahlhelm – Afghan Badged German Type Steel Helmet
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German WWI Trench Mortar Minethrower Company 1917 Photo
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Germany army 1917 Shoe workshop, shoemakers, Old photo postcard, field post
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