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Băile Herculane
Băile Herculane - Complex UGSR
Băile Herculane - Complex UGSR
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Cod de catalog
OSETCM - 2993/79
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Romania QSL Radio Card 1979 Tom Tomescu Resita
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Senior INFANTRY officer vizor hat Romania communist period, year 1979 CEAUSESCU
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Vintage '70s Soundesign Flip Clock Radio Model #3545B
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Romanian IOR B1-69 Compass with pouch, dated 1979 Very good condition.
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Romania, 1979, Vintage Seaman's License - Ministry of Transportation
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1979 Black Sea Resort Hotels Olimp Romania Vintage Original Rare Press Photo
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Romania, 1979, Vintage Status of the Romanian Communist Party - PCR, RSR
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