Medalia Pentru Vitejie

Medalia Pentru Vitejie Medalia Pentru Vitejie
Adăugată de Ion Postolache
Descriere generală : The medal "For Courage" is one of the first and by its status the highest medal in the award system of the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics, awarded for personal courage and courage in the fight against the enemy.
The Medal "For Courage" is a 37 mm in diameter circular silver (925) medal.
Descriere față : In the upper part are three I-16 planes flying from right to left. Below the aircraft is the impressed and red inscription in two lines "FOR COURAGE" (Russian: «ЗА ОТВАГУ») and below the inscription is a (T-35) tank with its forward left corner closest to the front. Below the tank just above and following the curvature of the medal's obverse lower rim is the inscription "USSR" (Russian «CCCP»).
Descriere spate : Plain surface with the award serial number.
Diametru 37.00 mm
Material Argint
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