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Ordine Postale Britanice - Regele George al VI-lea - Emisiuni post-mortem emise sub Regina Elizabeta a II-a
5 Shillings 1953 (28 noiembrie)
5 Shillings 1953 (28 noiembrie)
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#The East African Currency Board 5 Shillings 1953 P-33 aVF Qn. Elizabeth II
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Jamaica 5 Shillings P-37b 1953 PMG 64
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East Africa 1953 5 Shilling P-33 VF
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BAHAMAS 10 Shillings 1953, P-14a Higgs Latreille Burnside, A/1 173785, RARE. B5
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Bahamas 4 Shillings 1936/1953 P-13c Circulated Banknote - QE II A/5 402789
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Jamaica 5 Shillings 1953 P-37b Serial# 51111 stained or yellow tone VF
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Bahamas 4 Shillings 1936/1953 P-13c Circulated Banknote - QE II A/5 073330
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