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Catalog de ordine poștale
Ordine Postale Irlandeze - Emisiuni pre-zecimale 1949-1971
2 Shillings 1969
2 Shillings 1969
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Aidan Work
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eire ireland 1969 irish contemporary art windows stamps cover ref 20321
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Northern Ireland Pre Decimal Wilding 1958-1969 SGNI1-SGNI11 Set of 9 Values MNH
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SA23g Ireland, Thomond 1969 Birds, Overprinted MNG minisheet imperf, Cinderella
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IRELAND QEII SG272-273, 1969 Gandhi set, VERY FINE USED.
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Ireland 2004 MNH, S. Beckett Nobel Prize for Literature in 1969
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eire ireland 1969 irish contemporary art stained windows stamps cover ref 20334
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Northern Ireland Pre Decimal Wilding 1958-1969 SGNI1-SGNI11 Set of 9 Values Mint
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