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Catalog de ordine poștale
Noua Zeelanda
Ordine Postale Britanice - Emisiuni zecimale cu supratipar
1 Dollar & 7 Cents on 10 Shillings 1970 (15th. of June) - Overprinted '$1 . 7c.' in error.
1 Dollar & 7 Cents on 10 Shillings 1970 (15th. of June) - Overprinted '$1 . 7c.' in error.
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Horse Return of Cardigan Bay to New Zealand New Zealand 1970 MNH SG#913
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Albatross Bird Flowers Chatham Islands 2v New Zealand 1970 MNH SG#946-947
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Football Basketball Health Stamps 2v New Zealand 1970 MNH SG#940-941 Sc#B80-B81
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Butterflies Moths Fish 11v New Zealand 1970 MNH SG#914-924
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Moth 'Detunda egregia' 3c New Zealand 1970 MNH SG#918
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John Dory Fish 8c New Zealand 1970 MNH SG#924
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