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Catalog de ordine poștale
Noua Zeelanda
Ordine Postale Britanice - Emisiuni zecimale cu supratipar
54 de Centi pe 5 Shillings 1968
54 de Centi pe 5 Shillings 1968
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New Zealand 1968 pre paid unclaimed return to sender stamp cover front R31865
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New Zealand Sheep and the Woolmark 18c 1968 MNH SG#875
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New Zealand 1968 XMAS STAMPs Beautiful Lot of 100 Used Stamps great for crafts
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New Zealand Consignments of beef and herd of cattle 20c 1968 MNH SG#876
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New Zealand Olympic Rings Swimming 2v Blocks of 4 1968 MNH SG#887-888
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New Zealand Olympic Rings Swimming 2v 1968 MNH SG#887-888
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New Zealand Forest and Timber 10c 1968 MNH SG#873
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