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Ordine Postale Britanice - Elizabeta a II-a - Emisiuni predecimale
4 Shillings 1970 (13 martie)
4 Shillings 1970 (13 martie)
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GB 1970 QEII Scotland. SG S12 9d Bronze-Green Two Phosphor Band Block of 12. U/M
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GB SCOTLAND 1970 cover EIGG / ISLE OF cds..................................A9015
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GB Isle of Lewis choice of FDC handstamp and slogan postmarks Lifeboat Mod
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GB SCOTLAND 1970 cover THE BRAES / PORTREE ISLE OF SKYE cds................A8472
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1970 Zerstorer Hessen Ship NATO Destroyer cover. Radar
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GB SCOTLAND 1970 cover NORTHBAY / CASTLEBAY I.OF BARRA cds.................A8546
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England v Scotland U23 @ Roker Park, Sunderland 4th March 1970
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